
May 2022 - Jockey Beach Club - Owner News

Project Updates

During the off-season we completed numerous maintenance projects and, because of the rainy spring, still have a little more to do.

Completed/In progress;
- New 3rd floor exterior entry doors
- Boardwalk board replacement
- New fencing along 123rd street
- Pool interior renovation

We still have about 50' of boardwalk to complete this year and will be investigating the deck supports on the Derby to determine lifespan and maintenance quotes.

2022 Pool Updates

Our pool has undergone significant maintenance this spring.  In addition to replacing the coping and surround tile, we’ve replastered the interior and added corner seats in the deep end.  Although it was close, our new pool maintenance contractor worked diligently so we could open on time, Memorial Day weekend, Saturday, May 28th

Hours will remain the same as last year, 9am - 8pm.  Pool codes were emailed to unit owners mid-May, if you did not receive them, please email us and we can get them to you.

Many thanks to Karen Pittinger who coordinated all this work and Mark Bier who took over pool operations this year. 

Just a reminder, please do what you can to monitor the pool.  Closing umbrellas, removing trash, and reporting issues will help keep our costs down and area safe to enjoy.

Siding, Gutters, Decks, and Railings

We will begin the process of getting formal estimates for our buildings’ siding, decking, and associated structures.  This will be a large scale and impactful project, no doubt covering multiple off-seasons.  This project will also be our opportunity to make design changes like color, material, and related improvements.  We want to make sure our unit owners have ample opportunity to review the options and provide feedback.  We will do this in several ways.

1) A committee (of board and non-board members) will be formed to collaborate on the design and project scope.  If you're interested in participating on this committee, please email us.  Committee members will need to attend both in-person and skype meetings.  If you are an owner that is passionate about design, have construction background, or other related skills we welcome your interest.  Selections will be made by the committee chair.

2) Surveys will be developed at various stages of the project to gather large scale feedback from all unit owners.

3) The Board and committee will report out to the unit owners at each general meeting and in newsletter updates.

As content is developed on timing and reporting to the owners, we will be sure to update you accordingly.

Annual Owners Meeting - Updates

Our annual meeting occurred on May 7th with appx 50 in-person attendees.  The meeting covered a lot of ground.  Meeting minutes can be found here.

Board of Directors - Elections

Annual elections were held at our Spring owners meeting on May 7th.  Due to unit sales and one retirement, we had four open positions on the board this year.  We’d like to welcome new JBC Board members:   

Phillippe Berger, Tammy Hinkle, Bronson Spooner, and Barb Diaz 

Congratulations and thank you to each!

You can find a complete list of Board roles on our website HERE

Budget and Planning

All of the Associations budget and planning documentation for the year can be accessed via this link:   Financial Overview.  Should you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us at

Dues Increase

The JBC BOD approved a dues increase of $20 per month, starting with the next billing cycle in July.

As everyone has experienced, inflation is real, and we are not immune to the same pressures at the beach.  While all services seem to be creeping up, our single biggest expenditure, property insurance, increased by more than $12K this renewal.  


Facebook:  Don't miss out!  Join our private Facebook page and get updates and ask questions!  Click Here

Pets: Clean up after your dog and don't forget only unit owners are permitted to have pets, renters are not. - If you are aware of a regular offender just pass the unit info to the Board and we will address it.  (Note: effective immediately, fines for renters having pets will increase to $200 per instance)

Trailers: Storage trailers will not be permitted on the lot.  Boat trailers are permitted in the designated areas and need to be registered with the association.  A small box is located on a pole for registration purpose.

Public area storage: Please do not store anything under the steps.  Bikes should be stored and secured to bike racks only.  Anything stored and secured to steps or fences will be removed from public areas.

Bulk trash: The bulk trash areas have been removed.  Unit owners are responsible for removal of bulk items such as furniture and appliances using private refuse services.  Unit owners who place trash outside the dumpster will be fined.  Please help keep these areas free of material.

Finger Piers - Docks and piers are private property, unless you are an owner or have owner permission you should not be accessing those areas, this includes crabbing and fishing from the boardwalk into a slip.  Please make note to inform renters of the same.


Jockey Beach Club Condominium Association, #1004,12641 Ocean Gateway Ste 96, Ocean City, MD 21842 -

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