
Winter 2024 - Jockey Beach Club

Fall Owners Meeting

On Saturday October 21st JBC held its annual fall meeting of unit owners with about 30 units being in attendance.  The usual financial review and project updates was provided as was an important update on our recently completed reserve study, engineering evaluation, and impact to dues.  A complete update is below in this newsletter.

Minutes from the fall meeting can be found HERE

Fire Alarm Inspection

Our annual fire alarm inspection and winter heat check will be completed on January 19th.  The fire alarm inspection is a mandate of the OC Fire Marshal and requires our inspector, accompanied by a board member to validate that each sounding device in the unit is working.  We must access each unit, otherwise risk failure of the inspection.  Please ensure keys / codes are provided if not already to JBC BOD and tenants are informed.  

Reserve Study and Dues 

Early this year we engaged a firm to complete a reserve study.  Not only was this was part of our planning activities but was further necessitated by Maryland House Bill 107 (HB107). HB107 required an audit of property and reserves to establish a baseline for reserve funding to be completed by October of 2023.  A reserve study is conducted by physically accessing the property, assessing remaining useful life of core common area components, and assigns a value and approximate timeline for repair or replacement.

Initial findings in the reserve study identified our decks, framing, and the 1st and 2nd floor exterior wood walkways are reaching the end of useful life.  We subsequently engaged an engineer to provide an estimate of remaining end of useful life and ensure we had no significant safety concerns that should be addressed more immediately. The engineer did not find any items of immediate concern in his scope of evaluation, however; as expected, the decks are reaching end of life.  While we wait on the final report from the engineer, it is clear that we need to begin the funding process immediately of what will be a significant project at Jockey Beach Club.

Our reserve study estimates the replacement costs for all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor decks to be in the range of $1.3M to $1.7M.  Based on preliminary discussions with the engineer, we expect the work can be started in 5 years.  This will necessitate an increase of dues from the current $1800 per year to $3600 per year.  Due to the increase amount and just coming off the holidays we intend to ramp up this year to $2700 and divide payments from the traditional TWO invoices to THREE, each $900 per invoice.  In 2025 we will return to 2 Invoices at the new rate of $1800 per invoice.

Please note, a lot more work is ahead to get to a more finite project cost, the initial project estimates can go up or down based on a number of factors.  Our next step, after receipt of the engineer’s final report, will be to get updated engineering designs and blueprints for all 3 buildings.  Once we have blueprints, we can issue a Request for Information (RFI) to prospective construction companies to get initial cost estimates, getting us closer to a realistic price and timing of the project. 

In preparation for the formal bid we will provide unit owners with the various options for consideration.  This will include the various options from treated lumber to composite materials, each unit owner will be given an opportunity to select their preference, the choice of the majority will account for our path forward. The final design and material selection will put to bid, closer to the project date, and final selection will be made, contracts put in place, oversight etc.…  The bottom line is there is great deal of work to do, and we will continue to provide progress and estimated timelines via our website and email communications.

The current version of the Reserve Study can be found HERE

2024 Project List

- Derby support poles, rust remediation and painting
- North Belmont and Center Derby Preakness Stairwell repairs and painting
- Landscape timber replacements around beds and parking lots
- Parking lot lighting repairs

Other items will be added after budget review is completed in the next month.

Budget and Planning

All of the Associations budget and planning documentation for the 2023 fiscal year can be accessed via this link:   Financial Overview  Should you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us at
New budgets will be available in the 1st quarter of 2024


Jockey Beach Club Condominium Association
12641 Ocean Gateway Ste 96
Ocean City, MD 21842


Winter Heat:  Please ensure your units thermostat is set at 55 degrees.

Pets: Clean up after your dog and don't forget only unit owners are permitted to have pets, renters are not. - If you are aware of a regular offender just pass the unit info to the Board and we will address it.

Noise - Noise Ordnance is not just for the late hours of the PM / Early AM.  You can find this and a number of local ordnances HERE.  If you have an issue contact OCPD.

Trailers: Storage trailers will not be permitted on the lot.  Boat trailers are permitted in the designated areas and need to be registered with the association.  A small box is located on a pole for registration purpose. Beginning March 1st unit owners with slips can park boats in the designated area.

Public area storage: Please do not store anything under the steps.  Bikes should be stored and secured to bike racks only.  Anything stored and secured to steps or fences will be removed from public areas.

Bulk trash: Unit owners are responsible for removal of bulk items such as furniture and appliances using private refuse services.  Unit owners who place trash outside the dumpster will be fined.  Please help keep these areas free of material.


Jockey Beach Club Condominium Association, #1004,12641 Ocean Gateway Ste 96, Ocean City, MD 21842 -

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